Somehow it is hard to beat the feeling of creating new life in your home, of manicuring shoots and leaves from your new creations, and of potting on and sharing tips and off shoots with friends and family.

And it's easy, too! Follow this step-by-step guide to creating your own indoor jungle;

1. Houseplants generally like bright, warm and non draughty conditions. Obviously, all plants vary so check online for exact conditions required for your plants. A bright hallway or kitchen island can be the perfect spot, as can bathrooms or even downstairs cloakrooms. Our hallway at home is the ideal spot for hanging pots, cacti and larger plants, away from direct sunlight but warm and bright.

2. Source a range of pot shapes and sizes suitable for a range of indoor plant sizes. Tiny pots work well for cacti and slow growing plants but otherwise go for a little bigger to allow room for growth. Choose a selection of materials from terracotta for a more traditional look, to blue and white ceramic for a Mediterranean feel, or baskets in different sizes - many, like ours, come with a ready done plastic inner. A mix always looks great against a simple backdrop like a white or exposed brick wall.

3. Choose a range of plants from cacti to succulents, including some trailing plants and plants with textured leaves such as asparagus, to create interest. Remember to choose plants according to your pot sizes ! A range is always good, variety is key - colour, leaf shape, texture and size.
4. Carefully lift the plants from their plastic pots being careful not to damage the roots in the process. A trick is to gently turn the pot upside down and squeeze the sides gently to release the plant. Then, fill the bottom of each of your chosen plant pots with a little compost, before repotting your plants and filling in to the top with the rest of the compost. Water lightly.
5. Overwatering is the biggest problem with house plants. Cacti only need a tiny water in very hot weather and other house plants only when the top inch or two of compost is completely dry (insert your fore finger into the soil to check). Feeding is a must in growing seasons (March-September)
Check out our glorious selection of indoor plant pots and hanging pots for inspiration