We have always been mindful of sourcing and showcasing a collection of gifting ideas that are not only beautiful to look at, but that also have an intrinsic value. Our firm belief is that any gift should be meaningful, a demonstration of your thought and understanding of the recipient's tastes and needs.
Now, more than ever, we need our gifting to be of true value, a non-disposable asset to someone's lives, something to bring a smile to their face or to resonate with them at a deeper level.
With the winter drawing in and energy bills soaring, a great gifting idea could include a snuggly British spun wool throw for the colder nights, or a set of battery operated fairy lights to create a warm indoor ambience; take these cluster copper fairy lights for example with their gorgeous golden glow.
With the movement away from the barbeque towards home cooking with newly acquired seasonal ingredients, we always see a shift towards gift buying of recipe books and wonderful serveware to show off your latest creations. Dinner parties where guests all bring their own dish to share is the new trend in home entertaining - and the cost is shared, too! Indulge your passion for home cooking with one of our fabulous recipe books or give a gift of a gorgeous bowl as a useful and beautiful present idea.